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Methodological Reflections on Construction of Knowledge About Rural Women

, Neha Nimble
Published in Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Volume: 466 LNNS
Pages: 336 - 352

This paper adds to feminist epistemology by describing the methodological nuances of knowledge construction about rural women. Drawing from the methodology adopted and the research process undertaken during the study, it argues for using a feminist methodological approach in researching rural women’s lives. The study was conducted within a research paradigm constructed at the intersection of feminism and phenomenology to express the experiential and differential accounts of the participants in the study. The primary argument of the paper is that knowledge is not created in a vacuum and that knowledge creation is a dialogical and dialectical interaction with no privilege given to the researcher or the participant. It argues that the researcher’s ‘self’ and ‘situatedness’ often interact with the ‘self’ and ‘situatedness’ of the participants while procuring and presenting women’s experiences analytically and critically. The researcher’s journey shows how such ethical challenges may be navigated in the field. Finally, it asserts that being aware of reflexivity, the dialogical interactive nature of feminist research, and ‘situated knowledge’ help neutralise the power relations in research process. Overall, this paper contributes to the qualitative methodology by providing evidence for using an intersectional approach within feminist and phenomenological research in collaborative knowledge production.

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PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
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