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Quotients of tensor product spaces

Monika, Rao T.S.S.R.K.,
Published in American Mathematical Society
Volume: 737
Pages: 125 - 134

Let X, Y, Z be Banach spaces. For the identity operator I on X and a quotient operator Q: Z → Y, in this paper we investigate conditions under which I ⊗ Q and Q ⊗ I are again quotient operators on the respective tensor product spaces. Let J ⊂ X be a closed subspace. For the quotient injective tensor product space (X ˆ⊗ɛ Y )/(J ˆ⊗ɛ Y ), we consider several geometric properties of Banach space X and J under which this quotient space is isometric to (X/J) ˆ⊗ɛ Y . We show that for a L1-predual space X and for a special type of M-ideal J ⊂ X, the spaces under consideration are isometric. © 2019 American Mathematical Society.

About the journal
JournalContemporary Mathematics
PublisherAmerican Mathematical Society
Open AccessNo