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System-level characterization of datacenter applications
, Tameesh Suri, Zvika Guz, Anahita Shayesteh, Mrinmoy Ghosh, Vijay Balakrishnan
Published in Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
Pages: 27 - 38
In recent years, a number of benchmark suites have been created for the "Big Data" domain and a number of such applications fit the client-server paradigm. A large volume of recent literature in characterizing "Big Data" applications have largely focused on two extremes of the characterization spectrum. On one hand, multiple studies have focused on client-side performance. These involve fine-tuning server- side parameters for an application to get the best client-side performance. On the other extreme, characterization fo- cuses on picking one set of client-side parameters and then reporting the server microarchitectural statistics under those assumptions. While the two ends of the spectrum present in- teresting results, this paper argues that they are not enough and in some cases, undesirable, to drive system-wide archi- tectural decisions in datacenter design. This paper shows that for the purposes of designing an effcient datacenter, detailed microarchitectural characteri- zation of "Big Data" applications is an overkill. It identi-fies four main system-level macro-architectural features and shows that these features are more representative of an ap- plication's system level behavior. To this end, a number of datacenter applications from a variety of benchmark suites are evaluated and classified into these previously identified macro-architectural features. Based on this analysis, the paper further shows that each application class will benefit from a very difierent server configuration leading to a highly effcient, cost-efiective datacenter.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetICPE 2015 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
Open AccessNo